Donate to the Braddock MI Campaign

Braddock Drive Elementary School Mandarin Immersion

You donation will directly benefit Braddock Drive Elementary School’s Mandarin Immersion Program. Our donation ask for each family is $200. Here are examples of what your contributions will help fund:

  • Mandarin spelling bees

    • Prizes for students

  • Cultural celebrations such as

    • Moon festival

    • Lunar New Year celebration with lion dance performance and sugar painting

    • AAPI month events and celebration banquet

  • In classroom cultural experiences

    • Chinese calligraphy workshop and supplies

    • Chinese brush painting clase with Peiya

    • Story time and more

  • Helping us to keep our volunteering program running successfully

Any donation can be earmarked for a specific purpose. If you wish to earmark your donation, please specify in the “Dedicate This Gift” section or contact us at

For example: In honor of: Jane Doe, 4th Grade.

Other ways to donate

  1. Donate via Zelle at:, notating your email address (for tax receipt), your child’s name and grade.

  2. Mail us a personal check at: P.O. Box 661613, Los Angeles, CA 90066, notating your email address (for tax receipt), your child’s name and grade.

Thank you to our donors for your continued support!