Dragon Sprouts Annual Meeting
Parents, Teachers, and Principals - Please join!
Every school year DragonSprouts hosts a meeting for all Mandarin Immersion parents to attend. If you have a student participating in the Mandarin Immersion program at a LAUSD West Side school, then you are eligible to attend. In addition to parents, we invite all the school principals and Mandarin Immersion teachers to join us. It’s critical that we hear everyone’s voices and keep everyone in the community updated.
We strongly encourage everyone to participate since we all play a different and important role in the continued success of the Mandarin Immersion program. As you aware, our mission as an organization is to ensure a strong pipeline to develop a robust, sustainable Mandarin Immersion program from grades K - 12. During the annual meeting we discuss the current state of the pipeline and our financial status. We also want to hear from the parents, teachers and principals to better understand what program support you would like DragonSprouts to provide.
This is also an opportunity for you to learn more about DragonSprouts as an organization. We’re happy to share what our purpose is as a non-profit organization and the many opportunities available for volunteers.
Please use this Zoom link and the meeting details below to join us. We look forward to seeing you!
Meeting ID: 898 7803 8531
Passcode: 588581