Fall 2019 Newsletter
Ni Hao, Mandarin Immersion (MI) Families! We would like to take this opportunity to (re)introduce DragonSprouts to new and returning MI families. Founded in 2012, DragonSprouts was affectionately named after the diverse roots we planted when the first MI Program was started in LAUSD's Local District-West. Today, DragonSprouts supports the MI Programs at Braddock Drive Elementary School, Broadway Elementary School,
Mark Twain Middle School, and Venice High School and offers students the opportunity to become bilingual, biliterate and multicultural citizens starting in kindergarten through high school. Funding raised by DragonSprouts provides curriculum materials, teaching staff, community pathways, and resources for students and their families. You can learn more about DragonSprouts through our website, Facebook page, and Instagram.
In addition to providing material support in and out of the classroom, DragonSprouts also builds community by bringing families together through Chinese cultural and activities.
“We spent two weeks in Asia this summer and while in Taiwan my daughter was able to order my coffee in Chinese from a local Starbucks. Yep, Starbucks, don’t judge.”
-Vincent Chan, father to Calliope, 4th grade
“This summer my daughter Kyera participated in a 2-week Mandarin language/cultural exchange program in China and she was able to navigate the country quite comfortably thanks to the language and cultural integration she learned through the Mandarin Immersion program.”
-Howie H., father to Kyera, 3rd grade
“Here is our son, Simon, at his beloved kids’ art classes studio in Beijing. This studio is directed to locals and the instructors teach in Mandarin. Without the MI program experience, our son would not be ready to take advantage of such opportunities.”
– Andrea Goldman, mother to Simon, 3rd grade
How To Donate
New school: Paypal – https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1448575
Old school: Checks – please make out to DragonSprouts and pass along to any DragonSprouts Board Member
How is DragonSprouts different than Friends of Broadway, Supporters of Braddock Drive Elementary School, and Friends of Mark Twain?
These school booster groups pay for programs that benefit all the students in their respective schools. We highly encourage parents to contribute to both their individual school’s booster groups and DragonSprouts!
DragonSprouts pays for basic items that enhance learning in the MI programs in ALL the schools. We hope that one day soon LAUSD will help cover some of these expenses, but until then, we are taking action to cover the costs ourselves. We want our kids to receive the best education we can offer.
The success of the MI programs to date could not have been possible with LAUSD support alone. The continued success of the MI programs critically depends upon the financial support of DragonSprouts.
I’ve already donated to my school’s booster club, why should I also consider giving to DragonSprouts?
Your children need resources that only DragonSprouts will cover for the MI programs such as:
• Regular Mandarin proficiency testing to help evaluate student progress
• Website redesign to better engage with community and corporate sponsors, as well as all the parents in the MI program
• Annual cultural events, such as our Chinese New Year performance
How does my individual child (children) benefit from DragonSprouts?
• Mandarin libraries – we purchase books so MI students have access to hard-to-find Chinese books.
• Mandarin software – we purchase instructional software for our children to enhance their Mandarin. Some examples are Skritter and Better Chinese, which help students learn proper tone and stroke order.
• Mandarin teachers – in the past we’ve paid for teachers’ salaries. In addition, we’ve also contributed to the cost in processing teachers’ visas.
How can I help?
We offer several options for you to contribute to DragonSprouts.
Please donate! As a guideline, we’re asking for each family to donate $8, $88, or $888 for this school year. Also check with your employers since many will match employee donations to non-profit organizations.
Artwork – Every year we print school T-shirts for our Chinese New Year performance. We’re looking for parents to submit their entries for the Year of the Rat.
Website – Our website is in desperate need of a redesign, not only to optimize private and corporate donations, but also to ensure security. Please let us know if you have these skills to help or can recommend any contractors who can help.
Events – For our annual Chinese New Year performance, we need a Program Manager. If you like putting together events, please let us know.
Event Volunteers – For the annual Chinese New Year performance, we’ll need volunteers to help with seating, passing out snacks, passing out T-shirts, etc.
We welcome volunteers in all areas so please see a Board Member if you wish to contribute in the capacity above or have other suggestions to help benefit the MI Programs.
If you are a returning family, welcome back! If you are a new family, welcome!
Xie Xie, Mandarin Immersion community,
~Your 2019-20 DragonSprouts Board
Board of Directors
President: John Liu – 1
Vice President: Martha Pao – 1
Treasurer: Vicky Chang – 2
Secretary: Lynn Lee – 2
Vice President of Communications: Jen Warren – 1
Vice President of Donor Relations: Michelle Wang – 1
Board Member: Fonda Chang – 1
Advisory Board Members
Representative for Mark Twain Middle School: Rich Lin
Representative for Braddock Drive Elementary School: Andrea Goldman
Representative for Broadway Elementary School: Wayne Hun Lee
1Broadway Elementary School
2Braddock Drive Elementary School